aloha people. it's not very fair, I just saw a bunch of pictures of all the exchange students that went to hawaii. I wanna go to hawaii. and fucking spanish, aaaah I have so much to do tonight. and I've done nothing so far. I miss my family, I want them to come. do you guys now what would be a great idea? to get my family here and then go to hawaii, screw you new york. I want hawaii. so dad? stepmom? please, let's go to hawaii!!! I'm begging you, please. oh well, I was gonna work out tonight. but then, I realized I have all this homework. I guess I can finish spanish in my first free, and I can study for sociology in my second free. and then I can "forget" to turn in my 2 articles in sociology and give them to him on monday, and I'm going to copy lauren's theology that she copied from laura. so actually, I don't have any homework. soo, I'm gonna work out! yaay. I feel like a unicorn with abs. ciao